Takshsheel’s Status Report for February 19, 2022

Through this week, most of my time was spent researching background reduction for openCV, working with our team during class time, to discuss different frameworks for the webapp network as well as different background subtraction algorithms. 

With this time through research, I’ve found there to be a few different algorithms for background subtraction, which is an important step for our openCV processing. The 2 primary algorithms that I believe we’d like to use for our project for background subtraction would be one of BackgroundSubtractorCNT or BackgroundSubtractorMOG2 since these algorithms were designed for detection of foreground motion along with being able to differentiate between movement and their shadows moving. I’m not sure which detection algorithm would be the fastest and accurate enough since our goal is just detection of some motion to begin with. So, I think we shall try to use BackgroundSubtractorMOG2 since I was able to find better documentation with public access for the same, and test if we would need a better algorithm to meet our goals. Should that be the case, I’d like to have a working implementation to test soon.

Beyond that, in terms of intangible time spent, I worked on my presentation delivery since it is an area I struggle with. I don’t have any way to show this at the moment, but I hope to show it through the design review presentation that shall be next week. I spent about 2 hours working on learning our design well as well as practicing my delivery for random presentations. I don’t know if it was worth it, but I needed this time to do it well.

In total, including class time and research time, I spent about 10 hours on capstone this week. It needed to be more, but I had an emergency situation take up more of my time. This situation put me behind on my schedule, but now that it has passed, I plan on using more of that time into the project and have tangible deliverable files next week.


For next week I plan to have a deliverable openCV background reduction process, and hopefully tests for different algorithms integrated into it too. Completion and a good presentation of the design review is also something that needs to be done next week and I hope to do well there as well.



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