Takshsheel’s Status Report for February 12, 2022

What I researched/worked on this week:

  • Researched initial openCV algorithms to use for detection of people in a stationary environment.
  • Looked in depth into background subtraction and understood the different steps involved in the algorithm. 
  • Preliminary research into keeping count and detecting multiple objects along with background reduction. 
  • Research into a possible changing background vs not having our items not be in the background. Research to reason about would we want to use 2 cameras for people vs objects vs 1 camera with 2 settings. (2 cameras is expensive vs 1 camera has more algorithmic complexity) 
  • Varying background possibilities due to objects being taken off the shelves one at a time, many at a time etc. 


I feel like as a team we are still on track even though post our proposal which was very fleshed out and detailed for which a lot of preliminary research was already done, this week due to the proposals and peer reviewing during the 2 class times which were previously also used for research, but we have made progress with some of the details. On a personal note I think I’m a little behind on the outcomes of the research I wanted to achieve. Eg: Answers to some of the questions that I currently have preliminary research for. To catch up to my perceived readiness, I’d like to ask for advice through our faculty advisor and the TAs, and perform further research as well. 

For next week, I’d like to finish my research and be able to provide a first draft (albeit buggy) of some background subtraction code. So we can check what is visible and what isn’t. I’d also like to finalize what approach I’d like to take with regards to SIFT vs OBS vs SURF etc as well. 

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