Lucky’s Status Report for February 12, 2022

This week I did the following tasks:

  • Presented project proposal
  • Continued research on SIFT algorithm to get a better understanding of how to incorporate it into our computer vision component of our project
  • Researched the differences between SIFT, SURF, OBS to gain a better understanding on the alternatives to ensure we are pursuing the best algorithm to meet our proposed user requirements
  • Did some preliminary research on background subtraction to consider it for our detection of motion in an aisle as referenced by the professor because I had not heard about it before
  • Looked into some comparison of popular methods to track and count people e.g. HOG vs YOLO
  • Did some preliminary research on which database we would use
    • Compared and contrasted SQL and NoSQL
    • Looked into the popular databases used for image classification applicationsĀ  e.g. Apache Cassandra, MLDB, MySQL, and MangoDB
  • Reconsidered where we would be perform the image processing: on the cloud or on the local machine, and began looking into the pros and cons of both


In terms of schedule I feel slightly behind if I am honest due to uncertainty on which steps to take moving forward. I feel as though I am at a state of choice overload for technologies to choose


The main way I intend to overcome this hiccup in the process is to go over the options with my teammates in our first meeting this up to make a final decision on what we will attempt first before moving on to testing and implementation


This next week, I hope to perform the next steps as outlined in the team status next tasks, and in terms of individual deliverable, I hope to establish the mechanism we will use to communicate between the different cv components, and design an updated model of our system with those decisions in mind.

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