For this week, I worked mainly on the tail ends (last Saturday/Sunday) and today (current Saturday). On the front end of the week, I worked on researching SIFT (i.e. how it works and it’s nominal speed/accuracy rates), how an RPI camera (i.e. ARDUCAM) would be controlled with an RPI, how an RPI would transfer data to a web server, and an ideal web framework to use for the web app (the section that I am heading up). This took roughly ~5-6 hours of work and including class time with our presentations and peer reviews, that’s an additional ~4 hours. Today, I was looking over how an RPI would interact with the Django framework (web framework that I am most comfortable with) and refresh myself on how the Django framework works. This took roughly ~3 hours of my day.
I think our progress is just right on track. My team and I should get into the habit of spacing out work throughout the week, which ensures that we clock in hours consistently. This also helps with progress moving along consistently. We have met up roughly 2-3 times each week since school started for around ~2-3 hours each, so our project abstract/proposal were a bit more fleshed out than we probably needed, so we were off to a good start. However, this week definitely could have been more productive, which is why I say that we are just right on track.
In the upcoming week (by Wednesday), I want to firmly decide on what web framework I am going to use for the web application. I am already heavily leaning towards Django, but I want to explore other options as well as different databases too. Additionally, by the end of next week, I want to have setup the backend and frontend (i.e. create the project and begin with initial UI). Lastly, our parts for our system have been picked up recently this week and we want to start testing that the RPI can control the ARDUCAM to take pictures and try to send that information to the backend.