Advaith’s Status Report for 2/20/2021

  • Accomplishments
    • This week, I worked on the CAD model for our robot. I am using Solidworks and bringing in models of motors, wheels, and 8020 aluminum rods to get a better spatial idea of our robot design. This will help us plan for materials and make it easier to change our design based on our requirements.
    • I tested RTABMAP using an Intel Realsense camera using ROS. This is to test if it is a viable algorithm for our project. These tests should be done before buying parts, as the perception sensor is a significant investment.
    • I tested a basic Pure Pursuit controller in MATLAB with simulated differential drive robot.
    • Worked with team on Proposal Presentation
  • Schedule Progress
    • We are on schedule for our project. We have completed the majority of the Proposal Presentation.
  • Deliverables for Next Week
    • I wish to complete the CAD model with all boards, actuators, and sensors so that we can finalize our BOM.
    • Full testing of perception algorithms including ORBSLAM, RTABMAP, and HectorSLAM
    • Bring the IMU into ROS
      • I have a Bosch IMU that I want to test using ROS
      • Involves getting the driver running through a Teensy, then writing a ROS wrapper node.
    • Write a basic waypoint following robot in ROS using a simulated robot
      • Will shed some light on the controls aspect of the project