The most significant risk that could jeopardize the success of our project is the Bluetooth persistence issue. Currently, our web application utilizes the Web Bluetooth API to connect with our RPi Zero and receive the list of items inside the backpack. However, we first need to deploy our web app (we are using AWS Elastic Beanstalk) before testing on a phone, as the Web Bluetooth API only works in secure contexts. Overall, this risk is being managed by our current contingency plan, which is to create a thin client on Android which handles the Bluetooth functionality, while including our Web App in a <WebView> in the Android application to handle the interfacing. However, we expect to run into many issues, particularly in the communication between the thin client itself and the web application. We’ve dedicated the upcoming week to implementing this transition and debugging any issues we run into.
No changes have been made to the existing design of the system. As always, our schedule can be viewed here.