This week, I completed the scheduling feature for our web application. Events can now be manually created via a Django Form, stored as an Event model, and displayed in a calendar view. Events can also be edited retrospectively. Additionally, the home page contains a view of upcoming events from these models. Much guidance was received from this blog post. A short demo of the scheduling feature on our app can be viewed here (video is too long to be directly included in post). Additionally, the login and registration functionality is complete (barring the integration with our item recognition module).
Additionally, I began development on the onboarding feature of the web app (i.e. when a new user first registers, they must tag all their items and register these tags). However, since this step cannot be completed until Joon completes the item recognition module, dummy items and information are currently being used. I also began development on the integration of the RPi Zero with the web app using the Web Bluetooth API.
Progress is currently exactly on schedule, as written in our Gantt Chart.
In the next week, per our Gantt Chart, deliverables I hope to complete the final integration between the RPi Zero and our web app as well as the integration between the item recognition and the onboarding on our web app. Additionally, we will all be preparing for the interim demo on the week of 4/11.