This week we were mainly preparing for the demo. Devon and I assembled the TV stand and place the TV monitor on the stand. We place it vertically so that the tv could show more of the torso. In addition to this, I wrote a script that allowed the camera to take images of the body, then send the pictures directly to openpose to analyze. However, the script that I wrote took over 90 seconds to take picture and analyze in OpenPose. Marios gave us the recommendation to use the GPU version of OpenPose so that it will run faster. I downloaded the GPU version and Openpose did indeed work a lot faster. However, while testing the script, the plastic that connected the camera to the Jetson smoked and burned a little, so the camera is not working anymore. I ordered more of the plastic strips so they are coming on Sunday so we can test before the demo next week. In addition to this, I brought the mirror to Ansys and got the mirror laser cut to fit the screen. We are going to try and glue the mirror to the tv. We left a one inch border around the tv so we could potentially cut a hole for the camera to peak through.