This week I focused on preparing for the Design Review Presentation as I was the designated presenter this time around. I think it went pretty well. Reviewing the peer feedback, it seems most think we have a reasonable scope and design approach, which is reassuring. We got some very good feedback from the faculty on specific aspects of the project. Knowing that the Xavier will be treated as an item we’re borrowing opens up our budget a lot and gives flexibility for buying doubles if needed. As we wait for our parts to come in, I’ve started the setup for OpenCV and OpenPose. I’m following the installation guide on the github for MacOS. There are still some setup bugs, but I hope to begin playing around with torso recognition soon. I talked to the Work It team briefly after hearing their Design Review Presentation to get some insight on subtracting unnecessary functionality such as finger and lower body recognition since they also are using OpenPose. I’ll be using that advice as I continue to play around with OpenPose. I want to have a good understanding of it before the hardware comes in.