Maddie’s Status Report for 2/20/2021

This week, I spent most of my time creating the Gantt schedule for my team to follow this semester.  I focused on breaking down our project down into smaller tasks and subtasks that will help us to stay organized and keep from being overwhelmed by the scale of the project.  I blocked out a rough schedule for us to begin with, though we will continue to update it as the semester progresses.  I also contributed to the development of our slides for our project proposal.

Next week, I plan to begin working on the design for our project’s UI, as well as searching for videos from which we would want to construct our workout video library.

Zixuan’s Status Report for 2/20/2021

This week I researched on OpenPose and the hardware parts we were planning to use. I read some papers related to our project to have a better understanding of the technical challenges we might encounter as well as possible ways to solve them. I also worked on the proposal presentation slides with my teammates.

Our progress is on schedule. Next week I will work with my teammates to incorporate the feedback we got from the proposal presentation into our project and finalize our design plans. I will also familiarize myself with OpenPose and try to test it with some images.

Sarah’s Status Report for 2/20/2021

This week, I set up the team’s WordPress by drafting all of our required assignments/status reports and pages. I think this will make it easier for us to keep track of the due dates for these.

I also worked on the proposal presentation slides.

Next week, I hope to present our proposal presentation, and incorporate any feedback we get during it. Hopefully, this will allow us to finalize our plan and begin working on phase 1 of our schedule.


Team Status Report for 2/20/2021

The biggest risks to the success of our project are our hardware performance and overall latency (from hardware and software). We made backup plans to address both concerns, in case our initial plans don’t meet our performance goals.

Our current plan is to use the Xavier NX, though our backup plan for hardware is to use a Jetson Nano, which is cheaper than a Xavier NX or AGX Xavier. If that doesn’t work well, or our budget doesn’t allow, our next backup will be our laptops.

Our backup plan for latency (because we want to perform real-time processing of images of the user) is to end workouts with a “Score loading” screen, to provide some extra buffer time for our scoring/image processing algorithms to finish.

We divided our project into tasks (and subtasks) and divided them up among ourselves. We reflected this division of labor in our Gantt Chart.