This week I finished the code for pose comparison. We can enter the exercise name and number of loops we want to do, and the program will return the angle differences for each loop, and the sum of angle differences after the exercise is done. Later in the week I also modified and finished the code for frame selection, which looks for the frame with best fit pose for each frame we are comparing. Thus the users are allowed to do the exercise at slightly different speeds. For example, if we are comparing frame 10 of an exercise, we will look at frame 5~15 of the user video, and find the frame with the most similar pose to the standard one. I have tested it several times by doing some of the exercises myself, and the output does reflect my performance.
We were able to run OpenPose on TX2 successfully, however, there were some issues related to memory allocation when running my code on TX2. The error would occur about half the time we run it, and we want to fix that soon.
We are on schedule. Next week I will do more tests with the pose comparison code and fix some bugs.