This week I spent a lot of time using the TX2 and transferring our code from CPU to GPU.
Me and Sarah were able to finish all of the Jetpack and CUDA installs using a Virtual Box on her laptop, since I came to the realization that my USB-C to USB converter was being finicky and my computer wasn’t recognizing that the TX2 was plugged in. I also spent a lot of time in the lab on Tuesday night to get all of the correct dependencies for the open pose code installed on the board. We were able to get our pose comparison code running on the TX2 by the end of the week.
This week I also began work on the user profiles and leaderboard. I am currently setting up databases with SQLite to track the top 3 scores, as well as an individual chart of scores for the user.
Next week, I plan to continue testing and debugging our pose comparison code on the TX2, as well as continuing with the user profiles.