This week, I started creating the UI. I created the basic workout and rest screens. The workout screen has the demo on the left (will be looped for the number of repetitions), and the live camera feed (from the our USB web camera) on the right. The rest screen only has the 15 second (or 1 minute) countdown timer.
I also created the static evaluation workout using 3 exercises from each category (1 from each difficulty level). The user will be prompted to try to complete 10 of each exercise.
I am currently on schedule (we’re in our catchup/buffer week).
Next week, I hope to add labels to the exercise/rest screens (current exercise, next exercise) and scale the demonstration gif to match the live video feed’s size. I also hope to design the home screen and add logic to handle events triggered by the user (pressing keys to pause/quit workout). I also plan on creating the stretch library (for cool down/after the workout), and add more exercises to each of the 3 existing exercise libraries.