This week I spent a lot of time being able to ssh onto the Raspberry Pis. There’s a lot of guidance online but it differs by network, especially since we wanted to use the school network, and a lot of them assume you have all of the cables necessary at your disposal. We figured out that by plugging into a router (which I ended up doing from home) you could get the MAC address and then registering on CMU-DEVICE instead of CMU-SECURE worked best. This also didn’t work for a while and I have no idea what changed (maybe just took a while to register the address on CMU-DEVICE) but eventually we were able to ssh into both pis.
I think progress in terms of what I personally planned to do in the next few weeks is slightly behind, because I was supposed to work on making the physical platform this week, but I think now that the pis are set up the next week or 2 will be easier to split up work between the 3 of us. I think some of what I was scheduled to work on these few weeks are flipped, but we are still on track for our first major ‘deadline’ that we gave ourselves – having manual mode work by spring break. Doing certain things first instead of the way we planned it was just a result of factors like waiting for parts for come in, and who was available when.
In the next week I plan to get the pi-pi communication working – I don’t think this should take too long but we have been underestimating the time it takes to do everything..if I have time I also want to make a platform that we can start to attach things to. Especially once we have our motor it’ll be easier to visualize what the device should look like. I think I’ll end up working on the pi-pi communication and Neeti and Gauri will get the motor working, since they did something similar in embedded and I’ve done things with networks.