

Checked with the receiving desk to see if our parts had arrived.  They have not yet been approved and will probably arrive sometime next week hopefully! Until then, we wanted to get our Pi-Pi communication established and process keystrokes using pygame. Set up a client 



We checked that we are now able to ssh into Sandy as well.  So now it is possible to do: ssh pi@comovosam.wifi.local.cmu.edu ssh pi@comovosandy.wifi.local.cmu.edu We began discussing and researching to find answers to the design questions that we came up with and noted down earlier 



Figured out that the ethernet MAC address is different from the WiFi MAC address :O Re-registered both comovos (Sam and Sandy) with their WiFi MAC addresses on the CMU-DEVICE network Now both comovos have private IP addresses on the CMU network and while laptop is 



We got our RPi 4s! Returned the mini HDMI cables because the HDMI ports on the RPi 4 are actually micro HDMI Since we don’t have micro HDMI cables to display the RPi’s desktop, we are working on trying to ssh into the Pis.  For 



Borrowed 2 HDMI-mini HDMI cables from IT in HH A level. Got the motors from inventory to test and figure out which one might work. Met with Arabella to discuss design ideas for the rotating platform. Essentially we want a motorized mini lazy susan We 



wiped, reformatted Samsung SD card on RPi Zero and installed Raspbian using NOOBS checked out three different motors from 18-500 inventory Lab tables are permanent 24/7 decisions/ideas: 1. use visual and audio input in combination for automatic mode instead of attempting array processing (i.e. use 



Picked up RPi Zeroes from 18-500 Inventory Ordered RPi 4s Looked into requirements for motors – <50 RPM is fine and sturdiness of wheel is more important