Author: sruhela

Team Status Update for 3/14

Team Status Update for 3/14

We spent a lot of time the week before break finalizing the design review report, which I think was really useful to force us to think about every decision we were making – and also got us to decide on parts for real and order 

Shrutika’s Status Report for 03/14

Shrutika’s Status Report for 03/14

The week before spring break we got to work on the project based on the feedback we got from our design review presentation. We actually figured out a lot of details, ordered all of the parts, and got a good amount of work done beginning 

Shrutika’s Status Report for 02/29

Shrutika’s Status Report for 02/29

This week we had design review presentations, which was actually really useful. We got a lot of constructive feedback that forced us to really think through each part of our design. The block diagrams we made for the design review especially helped us figure out what exactly we need to be doing for the next few weeks.

We also were able to create a socket connection between our two raspberry pis, and register keystrokes from the keyboard as left and right. I figured out how to use pygame to see how long a key is pressed for, so now we know that we can send commands from either the keystroke (and eventually motion commands) to the paired pi. The rest of our parts should come in early this week, and we want to try to start creating the dataset to recognize hand gestures.

Again, our biggest risk right now is time. It’s hard to stay on schedule and everything takes longer than we expected, but for now we’re still doing ok. This week definitely needs to be productive for us to stay on track, though.

Shrutika’s Status Report for 02/22

Shrutika’s Status Report for 02/22

This week I spent a lot of time being able to ssh onto the Raspberry Pis. There’s a lot of guidance online but it differs by network, especially since we wanted to use the school network, and a lot of them assume you have all 

Team Status Update for 02/22

Team Status Update for 02/22

This week we actually got started on setting up and working with the raspberry pis. A major issue we realized this week was again … lack of time. We didn’t realize how long it would take to do some of the tasks we assumed would 



  • Figured out that the ethernet MAC address is different from the WiFi MAC address :O
  • Re-registered both comovos (Sam and Sandy) with their WiFi MAC addresses on the CMU-DEVICE network
  • Now both comovos have private IP addresses on the CMU network and while laptop is logged into CMU-SECURE wifi, we are able to ping the private IP addresses (meaning that the MAC addresses are now correct and the devices are active on the network)
  • However, we are still unable to ssh into the Pis with both:
    • ssh
    • ssh pi@
  • Neither works and we don’t know why because the hostnames definitely match the IP addresses (i.e. doing nslookup gives
  • comovosam’s hostname changed on Pi also with sudo raspi-config to comovosam (used to be comovo1)
  • comovosandy has been registered but not yet tested
  • Both probably have the same issue though..
  • Getting a public IP involves talking to the CMU Help Center (IT?) and may not be worth it/required.
  • It should be possible to ssh within CMU network with the private IP (or not…)
  • Joe (TA) told us that connecting the Pi to CMU-SECURE would give it a public IP and then we can ssh (we are trying this now)
  • Also using online threads that have potential solutions.
  • Had class discussion on ch 1-3 reading assignment

UPDATE from 02/19 Meeting 2 at 213 conceptual OH:  It worked woohoo!  We did nothing different.  We are able to ssh into Sam both through pi@ and also  Will make this work for Sandy on Friday.  In theory this should work since we registered it today.

No idea why it worked in the evening and not in the morning.  We think it might be because it took time to “actually” register (but then ping worked before… so unsure).

Shrutika’s Status Report for 02/15

Shrutika’s Status Report for 02/15

Weekly post #1! This week was a lot of working together as a team to make major decisions – we had several meetings including outside of class time to choose and order parts, and begin to work with what we have. We aren’t really behind 

Team Status Update for 02/15

Team Status Update for 02/15

This week we ordered several parts, including the Raspberry Pi 4 Model B (x2), got the cables necessary to connect them, formatted the SD cards that will go into the Pis once we get them, and put NOOBS on them. We met with a mechanical