Author: glaxman

Gauri’s Status Report for 02/22

Gauri’s Status Report for 02/22

This week I mainly worked with Shrutika to try to figure out how to ssh into the Pi’s.  Initially, our plan had been to use the RPi GUI by connecting it through an HDMI cable to our laptops and then easily setup everything (in the 



We checked that we are now able to ssh into Sandy as well.  So now it is possible to do: ssh ssh We began discussing and researching to find answers to the design questions that we came up with and noted down earlier 



  • We got our RPi 4s!
  • Returned the mini HDMI cables because the HDMI ports on the RPi 4 are actually micro HDMI
  • Since we don’t have micro HDMI cables to display the RPi’s desktop, we are working on trying to ssh into the Pis.  For that, we need to get the RPi connected to the internet (either via the ethernet cable or wifi)
  • We found a site containing instructions on how to connect the RPi to CMU-DEVICE wifi and are going to follow that.
  • Explored different motor control/GPIO libraries for Raspbian
    • The Python library is easy to use but may cause jitter because Python is inherently slower and may garbage collect at unpredictable times.
    • The C library is hopefully more reliable and may be better for our time-sensitive device.
    • We’re still weighing the pros and cons of each
  • Decided to use OpenCV to detect motions/gestures.
  • Started working on design doc.  Came up with key questions that need to be answered in our design review.
Gauri’s Status Report for 02/15

Gauri’s Status Report for 02/15

First status report!  We had multiple meetings this week to discuss which parts to order, collect and evaluate whether the RPi ZW would work for our project, read and figure out how to set up the SD cards to boot Raspbian OS onto the RPi 



Borrowed 2 HDMI-mini HDMI cables from IT in HH A level. Got the motors from inventory to test and figure out which one might work. Met with Arabella to discuss design ideas for the rotating platform. Essentially we want a motorized mini lazy susan We