Neeti’s Status Report for 04/18
This week I spent a lot of time working more on the classifier.
Throughout the week we received hundreds of images from our posts on various social media platforms requesting images as well as from family and friends. We have now collected over 1200 images and continue to get more everyday. The images are of four kinds – the ok symbol for right, the L shape for left, and both these symbols in front of the person’s face. I spent a lot of time collecting, labeling and organizing these images. When I tested the classifier with these images (no matter the number of images) I noticed that the classifier when run with just the images of the hands (no heads) had a consistently higher accuracy than when I ran the classifier with all the images. Thus, we made the decision to run the classifieron and henceforth collect data of only hands in front of a background. The following has been the progress of the classifier:
200 images -> 0.54 accuracy
300 images -> 0.75 accuracy
500 images -> 0.80 accuracy with 50 epochs and 10% test and train split
700 images -> 0.83 accuracy
1000 images -> 0.87 accuracy with binarization, skin detection algorithm and parameter tweaking