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- Demo-ed current status on manual mode to Professor Sullivan and Jens
- Integrated animation with the gesture classifier
- Spent time yesterday and today morning trying to make classifier work on real images
- Attempted to train on an augmented dataset (kaggle + real images) – did not work
- So far unable to classify real images correctly. Classifier always predicts the same class for both gestures.
- Feeding in any Kaggle image works correctly
- Trying to build up our own dataset now by asking for images from people
- Will use this on the existing classifier
- If that doesn’t work, will try other tutorial (the one for a real, manufactured dataset)
- Goals:
- By Friday night, have the classifier working, be able to process a video stream to get frames to feed into the classifier.
- By Sunday night, have manual mode fully done and out of the way
- Ethics assignment due Sunday, ethics discussion on Monday