Gauri’s Status Report for 03/28
This week we met on Monday to research what to do about the microphones and finally ordered 4 cheaper omnidirectional ones. We decided that making baffles around these would be a better idea than buying 4 super expensive cardioid singing mics. On Wednesday we met with Professor Sullivan and Jens to go over our progress, SOW and Design Review Report. On Friday we met again to discuss our individual progress’ so far and work together. I worked this week on planning and writing the outline and pseudocode of the main control loop.
Overall, we seem to be on track to demo-ing manual mode by demo week. Next week, once Neeti finishes the classifier, I can integrate that with the control loop. It might be tricky to get outputs sent from the control loop running on the RPi to Simulink running on the laptop so that might not be ready for demo but I hope to figure out next week at least how that can happen.