Team Status Update for 02/29

This week we ordered all our parts that we finalized in the design review except for the microphones. We checked in with the front desk to see if the parts had arrived but they have not been approved yet, so we are waiting on them! Until then, we were able to work on Pi-to-Pi communication through TCP and establish client-server connection. We also were able to us PyGame to process keystroke input from a USB keyboard connected to the Pi. We were able to successfully send messages from one Pi to another!

Important takeaways we learnt about PyGame: event processing worked and processing get_pressed() didn’t for some reason.  Also, the display (game console thing) is necessary to get keystrokes because the keystrokes are to the display and not to our machines.

Once we have the motors we will be able to work on rotation and using the motor hat library. We also asked professor Savvides whether a CNN is the best model for our use case. The peer reviews were actually very helpful in pointing out situations and edge cases we hadn’t thought about.

We also set up our private git repo and checked that all of us could commit and push to remote from both Pis!

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