We re-did our Gantt Chart, trimming out the unnecessary tasks due to our rescoping of the project and reassigning some tasks to better accommodate those who currently do not have access to on-campus resources. This week we will be focusing on the gcode visualizer and finishing the blob detection.
The biggest risk factor is our hardware limiting the soft- ware implementation we have chosen. We are manipulating very large data sets and performing multiple searches during each error check. Since our design can be checked just by streaming in a prerecorded video of a print job, we don’t necessarily need an RPi to prove our system works. So in the worst case, we can just run our plugin on a laptop.
Another risk factor is the system having a higher false positive rate than expected. Although a high false positive rate is preferable to a high false negative rate, we want to also have a low false positive rate. If we come across this issue, we can tune the various similarity metrics we used in order to mitigate this risk. This is unchanged from the design report.
A minor risk is that the fixture we construct to hold our sensors and devices is too heavy to meet specifications. Lucas has designed the armature already and is able to print it at home, so he’ll be in direct control of the weight of the fixture.
We only have access to a single functioning printer…that has already broken down once. If the printer were put out of commision again, we would lose not only our only test platform as well as our only avenue of printing mounts and other mechanical hardware.