Last status update. We are finishing integration and will be filming tonight/tomorrow. We plan to edit the demo video tomorrow and on Monday and then submit. The final report is nearly finished as well. We’re ironing out the last crosstalk
Team Status Update for April 25
This week we worked on integration, debugging, and the final presentation that Alton will be delivering on Monday. The slides are mostly complete as of writing this report. We are largely on-schedule with more integration work to do, primarily with
Team Status Update for April 18
This week we started integration between our various subsystems. Alton’s music module was designed to be standalone so integration was very simple. Eric’s network stack was more complex, and is still in-progress though we were able to get a first
Team Status Update for April 11
Next week we should be looking at starting integrations between our separate subsystems. Alton has the controllers working so it should be fairly straightforward to get them integrated into the game logic. As the communication protocol moves forward we are
Team Status Update for April 4
We started weekly shared work sessions this week. We think that it is sufficient to have 2-3 hours of shared work time as we do want to have part of the lab sessions to be done individually where distractions are
Team Status Update for March 28
With the impacts of COVID-19 on the course and our project, there have been additional risks that need to be managed accordingly. With the closure of TechSpark and campus as a whole, manufacturing and assembly became more difficult, especially since
Team Status Update for March 21
We’ve officially moved to DE2-115 boards to alleviate area pressure. This came with the realization that there was no way to cram what we wanted on to the DE0-CV without some serious area optimization, borderline impossible in the time we
Team Status Update for March 7
A short update on area usage. It turns out that using the DE10-Standard board is not really a feasible solution as the PS is connected to the VGA output rather than the PL. This is non-ideal since this means we
Team Status Update for February 29
Looking forward, integration and area consumed are still significant risks to consider. With the full single-player implementation we have 31.3K logic elements used. This is not significantly greater than where we were last week, so presumably the single-player implementation will
Team Status Update for February 22
This week we synthesized onto the DE0-CVs for the first time with our most recent prototype. We immediately encountered a surprise that the board has 18K Adaptive Logic Modules (ALMs) instead of the 49K Logic Elements (LEs) that we were