Please see the updated Gantt chart at the bottom of this post. Most notable changes are pushing back the network integration back a couple weeks due to Eric falling behind in implementing the network protocol. Developing the static menu screens
Team Status Update for March 28
With the impacts of COVID-19 on the course and our project, there have been additional risks that need to be managed accordingly. With the closure of TechSpark and campus as a whole, manufacturing and assembly became more difficult, especially since
Team Status Update for March 21
We’ve officially moved to DE2-115 boards to alleviate area pressure. This came with the realization that there was no way to cram what we wanted on to the DE0-CV without some serious area optimization, borderline impossible in the time we
Alton’s Status Update for March 21
Coming back from spring break, my main focus has been trying to work around the limitations that the COVID-19 pandemic poses to our fabrication. Our original plan for fabricating the controllers was to cut plywood using the TechSpark laser cutters.
Eric’s Status Update for March 21
It’s been a while since I’ve posted one of these. Progress the last few weeks has been very slow, given my traveling over spring break, plentiful other obligations, and now the transition to remote classes. With regards to the COVID-19 situation,
Deanyone’s Status Update for March 21
This week I primarily worked on tracking lines between the two players and loading in garbage into the playfield. This mechanism turned out to be complex enough that, much like line clearing, it makes more sense to implement it by
Deanyone’s Status Update for March 14
This still fits on a DE0-CV! It’s also running on a dinosaur of a CRT. As you can see in the image here, this week I upgraded our implementation from VGA 640×480@60hz to SVGA 800×600@72hz. This provides some benefit to
Team Status Update for March 7
A short update on area usage. It turns out that using the DE10-Standard board is not really a feasible solution as the PS is connected to the VGA output rather than the PL. This is non-ideal since this means we
Deanyone’s Status Update for March 7
This week I worked on detecting T-spins and combos. I implemented a new module that is responsible for tracking both the lines cleared and lines sent to the opponent. This moves the previously existing functionality for lines cleared out of
Eric’s Status Update for February 29
Progress This week was more SV implementation and testing, along with documentation work. As mentioned in some of the other reports for this week, the design documentation is taking longer than expected and occupied a significant chunk of time this