This week was more SV implementation and testing, along with documentation work. As mentioned in some of the other reports for this week, the design documentation is taking longer than expected and occupied a significant chunk of time this week. SV implementation for the networking stack is pretty much done – I just need to finish off the hamming decoder and test on the board instead of in simulation. The ribbon cable + headers came in, so I’m planning to use buttons on the boards to send packets and have the decoded values show up on the seven-segment displays/LEDs.


Between documentation work and projects/exams for other classes, I’ve firmly fallen behind the original plan at this point by around a week.  With that said, I allocated a great deal of slack and time for smaller integration related tasks at the end of the schedule. I’m now realizing that some of those small tasks did not deserve their own subsections, and I should have allocated more time for design and implementation. For next week I’m aiming to have the the senders and receivers running in both directions on two boards, with controls and outputs as described earlier. Slack time over spring break can be used here if necessary as well. With the work Deanyone has done on the game logic, we should be ready to begin integration after spring break.

Eric’s Status Update for February 29

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