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Category: Status Report

Aditi’s Update 2/15

Aditi’s Update 2/15

This Week I accomplished the following tasks this week: A lot of my time this week was spent designing the block diagram for our project with Shanel. This involved figuring out the connections between each of the main components – Raspberry Pi, Lidar, Power Bank, Roomba (iCreate 2), and raspberry camera module. I discovered that the raspberry Pi contained a special pins for raspberry camera module. I worked on miscellaneous parts of the Design Presentation. We decided that I would…

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Alex’s Update 2/15

Alex’s Update 2/15

This Week Most of my capstone time was spent doing research on the planned implementations of our components. Specifically, I looked into using a rotating LIDAR as suggested by Tamal, especially its feasibility with an embedded system. One project I found was this one, where someone had used the exact model of sensor we were looking at (RPLidar A1M8) with a Raspberry Pi 3. They even provided their source code, which I’m sure will be very useful to us moving…

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Team Status Update for 02/15/20

Team Status Update for 02/15/20

We started our week by reflecting on the proposal presentation and feedback. It was clear to us that we need to refine our requirements based off of the target user experience, rather than the specs of each individual component. There was also some confusion over the scope of the project, so we’ll need to make this clearer next time in the design presentation.  After the first proposal presentation, our group had some concerns about the processing power needed to run SLAM,…

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Shanel’s Status Update for 02/15/2020

Shanel’s Status Update for 02/15/2020

I spent most of my time this week working on the design report and presentation. After looking through some reports from previous semesters, I created a rough outline in which the team and divide and flesh out each of our respective focus areas. I researched some previous projects using Tesseract, an open source OCR (optical character recognition) program. Although this program is widely support and has seen pretty good success with reading text from signs and paper, I am a…

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