Shanel’s Status Report 3/29
This week I migrated our web application form plain JavaScript to React. I initially built it using Cloudinary to store picture and videos that would be transmitted from the Pi, but ultimately decided to use our Amazon credits for EC2 and S3 instead. Now, our web application runs on an EC2 instance. The Pi will transmit the map onto the EC2 instance, where the web app will look for the images and videos to display. I also wrote our updated risk assessment and helped out with the robotic base programming.
Now that the basic web app is working, the next step for me will be able to display a visualization (hopefully real time) of the Roomba’s mapping process. This is an enhancement we agreed on to add on instead of having a computer vision component. I’ve identified Rviz as a useful visualization tool for 2D maps, and hope to integrate this into our web app this week. I’ll also be working with Aditi to write a program to collect odometry data from the Roomba to analyze.
Our progress this week has definitely picked up, especially after creating the updated Gantt chart and realizing how much time we have left. We started segmenting work that we would finish on individual time, and coming together for work sessions on Zoom for integration and decision making. Installation of packages and libraries, and resolving all unexpected problems with dependencies took a very long time, but we are moving much faster now that it’s mostly behind us.