This week was hell. But I go through it. I returned to Pittsburgh to move out and got all of the parts that I ordered from the mail room. I packed my 3D printer and various tools I knew I would need to complete this project. I also borrowed a SolidWorks capable PC from SCS which I will use for the remained of the CAD work. So now I’m home, and still pretty stressed out about this whole situation. But the show must go on. Next week I’ll make some progress on the CAD, maybe 3D print some prototypes. I think I will start testing the motors with an Arduino. It’ll be a lot easier and it’s all that I have right now. Soon I’ll have to order a logic level shifter and some voltage regulators so that I can work with the battery and connect it to the rest of the system. I wanted to design a small PCB to handle all of the things with the battery but I don’t really have the conditions in my house to assemble a PCB. I’ll have to do more research and thinking about how I can simplify the battery interface. Stay tuned for that.


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