After reviewing the comments we have determined there are a few things that might still need some clarification:
We determined that 60ms is the maximum lag we have to be able to track and film without it being terribly noticeable. From research we found that the time required for tracking in a similar system is ~30ms. We of course have to test this ourselves to ensure we are tracking fast enough. Assuming we can achieve this, that means we have 30ms to move the camera to a new position to keep the target in the center of the frame. The selected servos are pretty fast and from our calculations, they should be able to track a person moving at average walking speed from 2.5m away. They main risk here is if we can actually run the computation in 30ms, and are not very concerned with the motors being able to move fast enough.
Another aspect that was unclear was the battery we will be using. We have selected a 18v 6.0Ah power tool battery. The reason we chose a power tool battery is because it will be easier and safer to work with than just straight lipo cells. The Jetson consumes 10W and each motor consumes ~5W. With this battery we have a calculate 3.6 hours of run-time. This is if the motors are continuously running, which they shouldn’t for most use cases, so we are feeling pretty comfortable about being able to get 3 hours of run time out of the system.
A lot of people seemed to be concerned about being able to track a diver for various reasons. This is something we will be discussing as to whether it is possible or if we should choose other testing methods.
Another concern that was brought up was the cost of IOS development and this is something we had previously not considered. $99 is a considerable fraction of our funding and we may have to resort to a android or web app option instead. This is something we will be discussing soon to determine which option is most viable for us.
Another metric we had previously not considered is from how far away we can actually do the tracking. This is subject to camera resolution among other things and it should be pretty easy to test but we need to determine a goal.