The past week, I finished up the live aspects of the simulator and implemented a few digital effects. The digital effects include delay, reverb, distortion and fuzz. I worked with Stephen and Matt so that the frontend can now support chaining digital effects with the actual circuit. The digital effects were all implemented under the same virtual class, and the latencies from all the effects are fairly low. The digital effects also sound fairly convincing. I ran into a problem at one point where the audio would sound very distorted unless I set the input latency very high, and this problem was also apparent on audacity, but we found that this was solved by rerouting the output to the audio interface rather than playing it out through the speakers of the computer. But by rerouting the output to the audio interface and then to an amp, we found that we we could achieve fairly low latency. At this point, our project is coming close to our final product and ready for the demo.
In the upcoming week, I want to work on polishing up the code and testing it. I also am planning to refine the reverb and distortion effects, as they are both a little bit less sophisticated than I would like. I will also work on making the effects take in variable parameters. I will also be working on our final presentation and preparing for the demo.