Vanessa’s Status 4/27
We had our in-lab demo this Wednesday. During a run through on Monday, I found out that there was a bug in the performance score evaluator. The problem was that because we manually fixed bpms for different speed modes, they are slightly out of time. Because of that, if the piece is very long, note offset error gets larger, which leads to a very low performance score (because it deduct points for all notes at the end). Thus, this week my biggest goal was to fix this bug; I created an offset difference list with three maximum offsets. Now if the offset difference is below the minimum offset of the list, it doesn’t deduct any point which fixes the problem. Also, I created a list of Ableton instructions (for recording and exporting as a MIDI file) with screenshots that will be included in our GUI application.
We are currently on schedule, and will work on some of the stretch goals that were suggested during the demo such as performance feedback. Moreover, because we have our final presentation next week, we created a presentation until today, and I’ll practice presenting tomorrow. We also need to create a poster which is due next Tuesday.