Vanessa’s Status 4/20
This week was mostly about integrating our parts. We decided to send start.txt file from OMR to both Pi and my side to start the LED matrix. Thus, I made a simple Python code that waits for this start.txt file along with the output musicXML file and user performance MIDI file. Now, my performance score evaluator waits until all these files are available, then calculates the score. I also modified the evaluator a bit so that it returns a gradebook instead of a single performance score; it now counts the number of notes in 6 categories:
- Hit: correct notes
- Miss: missed notes
- Wrong: wrong notes
- Duration: notes with wrong duration – may be shorter or longer
- Early: notes that were played earlier than they should be
- Late: notes that were played later than they should be
Once it is done creating this gradebook, it sends this information (including the overall performance score) to pi as a text file, end.txt. Then, Pi will display these information on its LED matrix which Surbhi is working on it. I will also erase start.txt, end.txt, user performance MIDI file, and output musicXML file once I am done sending end.txt to pi for the next user (or next performance).
Moreover, I tried to trigger Ableton’s functions (mainly recording and exporting as MIDI files) through Python code this week so that the user don’t need to actually use this software. However, after searching hours, there weren’t any examples or documentation about this (information that I found were for earlier versions of Ableton). Thus, I decided to give users a manual to record their performance using Ableton. This is a list of instructions that I made:
- Open Ableton Live
- Select Sounds – Piano & Keys – Grand Piano (double-click)
- On the top right corner, click the button with three horizontal lines
- Change the third box on the top left corner to (bpm)
- Change the fifth box on the top left corner to (time signature)
- Press Record
- Press start (from Lizzy’s GUI application)
- Finish recording
- Right click the recorded clip and select Export MIDI Clip
- Save it to (directory)
I will check with my teammates to see if these instructions are easy enough to follow. I am planning to display these on our GUI application because we are planning to only use one laptop.
We are going to prepare for our demo next Monday, which will mainly be about trying all our parts in one computer. And we are going to start working on our report, presentation, and poster next week.