Surbhi’s Status 3/23
Accomplishments for Week 9:
Finished algorithm for parsing XML and MusicXML files to extract data about song notes. Storing data in SongNote struct that each contains Step, Alter, Octave, Type and Staff information of each key being pressed on the piano keyboard. Am creating three different kinds of SongNote categories – Treble clef (Right hand), Bass clef (Left hand) and Rests in both clefs. Can read any possible song’s xml and MusixXML files now.
Finished algorithm to convert SongNote structs vector to playable song on keyboard. Taking into account only type of note to determine its time width. Bugs of frozen segments and wrong timings fixed. Can successfully play “Happy Birthday” and “Swans on the lake” songs on the keyboard. Bass clef is shown in Orange and Red for white and black keys respectively. Treble clef is shown in Green and Blue for white and black keys respectively. Videos:
On Schedule. Waiting till next week for integration with the rest of the team so that we are ready for demo day.
Next week:
Add functionality to give three speed modes (fast, medium, slow) and to give user the choice to play a complexity mode (only treble keys, only bass keys, both treble and bass keys). Begin integration with middle man (Vanessa’s MusicXML creator) and create functionality for automatic file detection when transferred from Vanessa’s side. Add aesthetic features like welcome message, display name of song being played and give a count-down before starting to play, etc.