Surbhi’s Status 3/9
Accomplishments for Week 8:
Worked on completing the Design Review Report due Monday with my Team. Also worked on Ethics Assignment before the deadline was pushed.
Fixed bugs in the C++ teaching module program that made unnecessary LEDs flicker. Changed algorithm to keep track of each LED’s current state (which is not available through the Control Library). Improved and run several the piano keys mapping and segments falling test. Added functionality to provide Speed Mode wanted for particular song’s execution chosen by the user.
Started on deciphering the parsed data from musicXML file provided by user. Identified key elements to track.
Decided that the team will be get 2-4 more LED Matrices after Spring break (as Spares in case of damage).
On Schedule
Deliverables for next week (and after spring break): Complete algorithm for getting all data from musicXML file needed. Improve Piano_Key struct by adding more useful features and create new struct for piano key to be played as a segment falling on Matrix.