Surbhi’s Status 3/2
Accomplishments for Week 7:
Successfully Daisy chained FOUR 32×16 LED Matrices together to work as a large 128×16 Matrix to sit on almost all of the keys of the 61-keys piano keyboard:
Mapped Octaves 2 (Start of Keyboard) to 6 (End of Keyboard) to the columns of Matrix:
All Piano Keys Mapped to 128×32 LED Matrix
Ran tests to visualise multiple random keys played at varying time with varying widths:
Random Set of Keys played in unison like a song
Can successfully give Speed Mode and MusicXML file as parameters to the C++ program at execution and can successfully read the entire MusicXML file. Working on extracting following features from character buffer with Vanessa’s expertise of the MusicXML file format:
- Credit: for the name of the song to be displayed before teaching program runs
- Part -> Measure -> Attributes -> Division and other features of the measure (small block of notes)
- Part -> Measure -> List of Notes -> Pitch (Step, Alter, Octave), Duration, Type, Staff for each note
Worked on creating the Project Report due Monday of next week: Added details of what user will be in terms of outputs of Hardware side. Worked on other areas like Project Management, Schedule, Block diagrams, general descriptions.
On schedule
Deliverables for next week: Successfully parse entire MusicXML file and pass it to the teaching module function in the C++ program. Start to integrate with Vanessa’s transition of data program with automatic sending of MusicXML file to Raspberry Pi through a python script.