Weekly Status Report 2/23/19

David Diao (dyd)

This week, I researched more about the tech stack we will be using for our web app. I decided on using react.js for the frontend, Golang for the backend, and MongoDB for the database. I also began designing the database schemas for our project. Besides that, I did not get much work done on the CNN portion of the project.

Jessie Li (jessieli)

My week did not start off well; some miso soup got spilled onto my laptop. Subsequently, the rest of the week was spent discovering issues with my laptop, taking my laptop into the store to get the problems diagnosed (shorted a bunch of stuff in my laptop), and ordering and setting up a new laptop. As a result, I lost all the work that I had completed on my previous laptop, and I also lost the most of this week. Unfortunately, this means I am behind on the schedule.

This week was scheduled for study and research in the vein of design and preparing for the Design Presentation. In order to catch up, I have cleared my schedule for tomorrow in order to complete the necessary research needed to complete our project design. In addition, our group is going to meet up and finalize all the components of our process. In order to catch up, I will spend extra time next week redoing my work on our dataset (from last week), as well as taking on more of the work developing our CNN. A bit of our slack time will probably also be eaten up by the unfortunate circumstances, but at least that’s why we have slack time.


Tushar Chetal (tchetal)

This week I researched on Segmentation Algorithms and different ways we segment a mathematical equation. I also began designing how the inputs and outputs of the segmentation would work and then connect with the other parts of our algorithm.

Project Autonomath

This project aims to help teachers and students easily grade or check math homework solutions. A user can upload an image of a handwritten math homework solution and our web-app will use Computer Vision and Machine Learning to convert handwritten solution to a PDF document. We will use a math engine to automatically check the solution and identify mistakes made and help grade the homework assignment!