Above is the link to our final report as a Google Docs!
Carnegie Mellon University ECE Capstone, Spring 2019: David Diao, Jessie Li, Tushar Chetal
Above is the link to our final report as a Google Docs!
David Diao (dyd)
This week, I worked on our team’s demo and getting my component ready for the demo. I finished integrating Jessie’s CNN and Tushar’s segmentation portions into the backend, and now have much of the basic use cases finished.
Jessie Li (jessieli)
This week, I worked on our preparing for out team’s demo and getting my CNN component ready for the demo. I trained a few versions of the CNN and tested them for accuracy; the accuracy is still a bit awkward and not as high as I’d like, so further testing is required.
David Diao (dyd)
This week, I worked a lot on the web app to get it ready for the demo. I finished building out the basic frontend interfaces that we will need, and also finished up the backend endpoints that will be crucial for the demo. In addition, I worked on integrating Jessie and Tushar’s code into the web app.
Jessie Li (jessieli)
This week, I worked on building a CNN for the HASYv2 dataset. I trained a few networks with different epoch and batch numbers, but the highest I could get a random test set to was 79%. Part of this is because the reduced HASYv2 dataset is fairly small; much of the huge dataset we did not actually need. This needs some discussion; for the demo, at least, we can use the MNIST dataset of just digits (no characters or symbols), which my CNN has trained to a 98% accuracy rate.
Tushar Chetal (tchetal)
Had to change the segmentation algorithm based on the changes we discussed. Finished writing the segmentation algorithm.
David Diao (dyd)
This week, I worked on the backend design of our web application. I also did research into how the web app would work on a Windows Surface Pro desktop app vs a online web app, and we decided that we should stick with our web app stack. For the backend, I drafted up multiple endpoints that we could possibly use, and drafted up schemas of what our tables would look like in DynamoDB. I also obtained AWS credits from Professor Nace and will be looking into how to work AWS into our project and how to link everything together.
Jessie Li (jessieli)
This week I redid much of the work I lost when I lost my computer. I downloaded the dataset, manually cleaned out the data, and worked through the steps of creating a CNN to classify the data, manually picking classes to work through. In addition, I began to research and develop a convolutional neural net on the cleaned version of the HASYv2 dataset. To start, I tried training a CNN using sklearn (from python) to see what kinds of results I could achieve on the cleaned dataset and to gain experience manipulating the dataset. I also began work on the design report due next Monday.
Tushar Chetal (tchetal)
This week I couldn’t get much work done since I was traveling for interviews and did not spend much time on school work. I did start writing designing the classes and description of objects theoretically.
David Diao (dyd)
This week, I researched more about the tech stack we will be using for our web app. I decided on using react.js for the frontend, Golang for the backend, and MongoDB for the database. I also began designing the database schemas for our project. Besides that, I did not get much work done on the CNN portion of the project.
Jessie Li (jessieli)
My week did not start off well; some miso soup got spilled onto my laptop. Subsequently, the rest of the week was spent discovering issues with my laptop, taking my laptop into the store to get the problems diagnosed (shorted a bunch of stuff in my laptop), and ordering and setting up a new laptop. As a result, I lost all the work that I had completed on my previous laptop, and I also lost the most of this week. Unfortunately, this means I am behind on the schedule.
This week was scheduled for study and research in the vein of design and preparing for the Design Presentation. In order to catch up, I have cleared my schedule for tomorrow in order to complete the necessary research needed to complete our project design. In addition, our group is going to meet up and finalize all the components of our process. In order to catch up, I will spend extra time next week redoing my work on our dataset (from last week), as well as taking on more of the work developing our CNN. A bit of our slack time will probably also be eaten up by the unfortunate circumstances, but at least that’s why we have slack time.
Tushar Chetal (tchetal)
This week I researched on Segmentation Algorithms and different ways we segment a mathematical equation. I also began designing how the inputs and outputs of the segmentation would work and then connect with the other parts of our algorithm.