Adithya Raghuraman Status Report Week of March 4
This week, the main thing that I worked on was setting up the entire tracking pipeline. This entails not just the tracking algorithm, but also the transfer of data between the backend system and the web application front end. To that end, I set up the infrastructure that would allow our backend to send information as a POST request to the front end. Furthermore, I worked on fine-tuning the tracking algorithm so that it can handle slightly tilted camera angles, more work needs to be done on this front.
For the next week (after spring break), I want to get tracking working. This would mean that I aim to have the backend track a swimmer over the course of multiple laps and send data periodically (when a lap is completed) to the front end. It follows that, we need to get some sort of collision detection with the lane edges working.
Another significant time commitment for this week was writing the mid-term report for our project.