Team C5 – Week of Feb. 25

Team C5 – Week of Feb. 25

Following our design presentation, we realized that there were some pretty severe issues with our current design. We spoke with a couple TAs and Professor Marios for recommendation of how to move forward, and have made some changes to our approach accordingly.

The biggest risk that we found in our design is with the stroke classification system. Last week, we had gotten rid of OpenPose for limbic detection, but this caused a lot of concern for the course staff. Because of this, we are working in parallel on limbic detection in OpenCV and in OpenPose. Even using OpenPose, there is a large chance that stroke classification will be an intractable task. We still plan to pursue stroke classification as a component of our project, but we must also be prepared to not have completely positive results.

Besides planning to use OpenPose again, we also changed the interface between the backend and our web app such that the backend sends updates at the completion of every length. In our presentation, we said that we would be sending data at the end of every “swim,” but we did not feel that this would be sufficient.

There are no changes to our schedule.

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