Adithya – Week of Feb. 18
For this week, one of the big changes that we made was to switch from using OpenPose to OpenCV. With that in mind, I decided to take upon the challenge of testing OpenCV for our particular context. Attached is a result that I had for a stock footage from the 2016 olympic games.
Secondly, as is documented in our team’s weekly status report for this week, we decided to move around some things in our schedule and as a result, we deployed a basic web application that will serve as a base to our project. I worked on deploying this web app onto an AWS instance along with Jack.
Lastly, another milestone for this week is to create the presentation for the design reviews of next week. I contributed to this along with both my group mates.
For the next week, my personal milestones are to debug my tracking algorithm and implement a detection algorithm. The aim is to have detection and tracking working by the time I write this report next week.