Weekly Reports
Weekly Report 11
Xinyu Zhao: This week I worked on the webapp with the group, doing webpage and testing of the data transfer. I also finished the project poster. Tianhan Hu: This week I finished deploying webapp using flask and aiohttp on a linux server. The webapp version contains the basic functionality Read more…
Weekly Reports
Weekly Report 8
Xinyu Zhao: This week I kept finalizing working with contours and after modifying the epsilon when using the approximate function, and testing extensively both in static images and camera captures, it correctly outputs the coordinates of the shape, and it seems this is also more accurate than Hough line transform. Read more…
Weekly Reports
Status report 6
Team Update: Risk is that the coordinates capture by the first step might have some inaccuracies, and we have to also make sure that the data are correctly transferred to the AR part. We plan to have extensive trials to improve accuracy. No major change in design or Read more…
Weekly Reports
Weekly Report 4
Xinyu Zhao: What did you personally accomplish this week on the project? Give files or photos that demonstrate your progress. Prove to the reader that you put sufficient effort into the project over the course of the week (12+ hours). I tried the C930e from Logitech, the resolution is good Read more…