This week I spent working with darknet and working with the YOLO v3 detector. After running it on my laptop I was able to get the weights working correctly and able to detect people within images. The one issue I found was it took about 8 seconds to identify on a laptop CPUÂ which means I need to use GPU to be able to classify it within the performance constraints. The next week I want to spend time working with Yolo v3 tiny which is a more lightweight version of the object detector which might good enough for our use case. Next week I also want to work more with the the pixel data and the convolution function to see if I can extract the color data from the image.
This week I interfaced with sensor data to see if the data we were getting would match the correct format that we wanted to store in our DB. I realized I need to write a data parsing stand a lone program to convert the JSON fields into fields that would be easily accessible in the backend. In addition to this, I realized that I might also need to do this for camera data.
Next week I am going to work on writing the socket and also doing this same idea with the socket data assuming I can properly form a connection. We also decided upon using SQL for the database as it was the most common and best choice we had.
I would say that I am on schedule barring any setbacks next week and overall the project is coming along fine.