Status Report #4


My main personal task this week was starting to work on the implementation of our network protocols. This is the IPV6/IMCP stack. It’s alot of work since it’s being built from the ground up. I spent a significant amount of time in the lab, working on laying down the initial C structs and functions. I think that what I learned is that I need even more planning given the scaler of the software I am trying to create. I have to make a protocol, as well as both virtual drivers (for testing), real drivers (for hardware), and write test suites. To that end I started on a new, higher level implementation document that focuses on documenting the structure of the code I wrote. This helps when managing the complexity, as well as being a source of documentation to look back on.

I hope that by next week I will have enough of the protocol working to test between an ESPS32 and a computer. I will also have a more polished  implementation document I can use for reference.


This week I worked with my team to complete the rest of our design document. I wrote the sections regarding the signal processing elements, as well as the introduction portions and the ending project management portions (excluding the budget and schedule in the appendix).

I also worked on establishing key aspects of the enclosure design to work off of. The first is that cup of the cans will have a major axis of length 9cm and a minor axis of 7.5cm. This way we can fit the cups we bought. Also, we will have them be cylindrical in shape, rather than tapper, so we as to prevent the production of unnecessary and expensive scaffolding in the 3D printing process. At the moment, I am trying to determine the best way to fit all the components into the enclosure. The goal is to keep it within a width, but that may change while considering the necessary padding and waveguide horn that must also go in along with our other components.

Next week, I plan on completing this design as well as our Ethics assignment.



In terms of team work, we all completed our parts of the design document and reworked it into our final product.

In terms of scheduling, Michaela is a bit behind on her first filter iteration, but that is being handled within the next week and  is not required for any work in the next couple weeks.

Ethan is also behind schedule – he is planning to handle it within the next week as well. He ran into some difficulties writing the implantation for his networking code. We spent several hours going through each item on our task list, and setting new due dates, as well as writing small descriptions for the task. This served a two-fold purpose. This allowed us to update our schedule, as well as “resync” and make sure we were all on the same page for the status of our project.

Right now, our biggest risk is the hardware. If the PCB’s are submitted late/do not work that will impact our critical path and shift the entire schedule down. We are attempting to mitigate this by having a professor work with us to review out design. We have not made any major changes to our design, but have further refined our physical enclosure and mesh software designs.

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