Group Update
- Overall goal was to get wireless tele-op and visualization working for demo
- Integrated SLAM and encoder segments
- Worked on final report and presentation
- Final code:
Amukta’s Update
- Worked on final report
- Set up robot wireless visualization (integration with web app)
- Worked on wireless tele-op commands on the RPi
Kanupriyaa’s Update
I focused on calculating what grid resolution gives the best mapping for the ICP. I also searched for pose graph optimization as we had mentioned in the design report to see if it was possible to make the ICP even better but the implementation time for this is too large to be completed before the final demo so I have decided not to pursue this. Amukta and me also met to test the robot wirelessly by SSHing into the Pi and stimulating the final demonstration.
Tiffany’s Update
- Recalculated Twist message to motor commands conversions using updated wheel / robot dimensions, fixed some more bugs pertaining to robot turning / angular velocity conversions.
- Redid setup for sshing into raspberry pi + X11 forwarding (I had to reimage my laptop recently due to software issues).
- Integrated SLAM and motor control
- Test teleoperating functions and tune allowed range for min/max linear and angular velocity on the UI for easier control.
- Miscellaneous: worked on poster and final report, cleaned up CAD file to add screenshots to final report