Jens’ Apr. 13 Status Report

Jens’ Apr. 13 Status Report


This week for progress there was carnival so the back half of the week was less productive that I would have hoped it to be however, I did make progress on the new version of the polyphony control that supports 4 notes.  However there was a slight change to the overall design of the system with the addition of an ADSR envelope feature that Charles made progress on,  Because of this there are significant but rather simple changes that had to be made to the way that the polyphony control module worked.  Additionally there needs to be the proper support placed into the incrementation module for unison control.  This will be a percentage change from the normal value either up or down.  The module is currently assembled to support this feature however the multipliers that would perform this function have yet to be added.  However this week Hailang did find an online database of different waveshapes to use for the project.


Because of this I am slightly behind the schedule I would like to be on with the schedule currently dictating that I would have completed the polyphony control by this point.  However because the needed alterations to the module are due to the addition of the ADSR feature I am okay with being behind schedule on this portion of the project.  Currently the biggest risk that I am facing is in the integration of the new features into the pipeline because some of them mean that multiple new modules need to be added at once as opposed to the old plan where each new module could be integrated independently.

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