This week, we focused on getting motor movement from a python script. While we struggled with this initially, we managed to get a response once we switch from connecting from the GPIO pins on the Rpi to the COMM ports on the vesc to using the USB ports on both. Prior to this, we attempted sending signals via pyvesc, sending independent UART signals, and sending PWM signals. We are now able to control each motor independently and I have tinkered with acceleration and deceleration curves and have tuned to a point where we can begin testing. I will further refine once we have mounted. Currently, I have a test bench in which I control motors with keyboard interactions. The only thing left to solve in simultaneously control which I believe we will be able to do with multithreaded listening for commands for each motor.
We are a little behind schedule. The documentation for pyvesc is very skim and it appears projects like this are quite rare. As a result, it is taking longer than expected to navigate this package and figure out some intricacies. Getting a response from the motors is a huge step forward and unlocks so much more for us now. We will likely be able to make very large bounds in the next few weeks.
We will have app to motor response, rudimentary turning, and a jank assembly of the board complete.