Jessie’s Status Report for 12/07

What I did this week:

  • UPDATE PROCESSING DATA SET VIDEOS: I continued working to test the dataset of videos for average fps and post-processing time. I was correct in my guess that the video was playing much slower on the display because the video clip had a high frame rate. Because the processing rate is lower than the inputted frame rate, the video looks like it’s moving slower. I changed my dataset video processing script to adjust the frame rate to 30 fps. 
  • UPDATE POST PROCESSING CODE: I found that my code now worked for the shorter videos (1 minute) but did not work for the 5-minute video. I thought this could be due to the large number of video frames, which I was storing in an array (in memory) before writing to a video at the end; running out of memory (resources) could’ve been what caused my program to be killed prematurely. I adjusted my code to store the files in an array to save memory. I believe this change did slow down our frame rate slightly, likely due to the extra time to execute I/O (writing to a file); however, the frame rate is still above target (close to 21-22 fps while previously it was around 22-23 fps). 
    • With this change, the 5-minute video was able to run successfully and I was able to collect data. I found that the post-processing time was around 1 minute (1/6th of the length of the video), which is still way below our target of ½ of the length of the video. This rate was lower than my previously observed rates for the shorter videos; this could be due to the videos being shorter or to the additional time to read from a file (instead of an array) while post-processing the video.
    • I tried running a longer video (11 minutes) but it seemed to crash. I’m not sure what happened and more investigation will need to be done. 
    • The updated live feedback code can be found here: 
  • DEBUG LED: I noticed that the wireless LED stopped working this week. The problem seems to be the RPi cannot connect to the LED– I cannot even ping the LED. I made some adjustments to the LED code, to try and debug the issue; however, it seems to be related to poor wifi connection. I plan to create a wired alternative and debugging this wireless connection will be a low priority.


I am still roughly on schedule. The testing infrastructure is largely complete, and I just have to run it on the updated live feedback code once the tension algorithm is finalized; I’m still working with Shaye to finish finding the tension of 2 hands. I don’t anticipate this taking long though since the infrastructure is already established. Next week I plan to work mostly on the poster, video, and report as well as some integration finishing touches for the demo.

Next week’s deliverables:

  • Running the existing testing infrastructure on the updated code (finalized tension detection algorithm)
  • Investigate the wireless LED and create a wired backup. 

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