Team Status Report for 11/09

General updates:

  • As a team, we set up the RPi case/fans. We have to take this apart and back it together in the future to attack the display and buzzer. 
  • This week the team largely worked independently. 
  • Jessie continued working on setting up the accelerated RPi. She started the week by registering the RPi with CMU-DEVICE and looking at how to have a program run automatically at boot. She continued to look into putting the model on the RPi, setting up the active buzzer, and interfacing the display. To find more information, refer to Jessie’s status report. 
  • Shaye worked on using footage from this week’s session with the pianists to help inform tension algorithm rewrites. Refer to Shaye’s status report for more info. 
  • Danny continued to work on the web application. Danny decided to refer to a template and modify that for our uses instead of starting from scratch. Refer to Danny’s status report for more information.

Pictures of the RPi Accelerator and the case:

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