Shaye’s Status Report for 10/20

I spent the week before fall break focusing on testing the tension detection with Professor Dueck’s students and working on the design report. 

During our last session with the musicians, I had each musician play a variety of technique exercises including scales, chords, arpeggios, and Hanon exercises with relaxed and tense wrist positioning. Generally speaking, the default threshold values for tension detection worked on exercises that require more wrist movement (arpeggios & chords), but worked inconsistently with scales and Hanon. Once I tuned the values a little bit, the algorithm was more accurate with identifying tension with scales and Hanon. I’ll work more on finalizing these values this coming Wednesday. I’ll also standardize the set of exercises for the pianists to play while we’re working with them. 

We did run into a minor issue with the setup while testing. At times, the musicians’ heads would accidentally get in the way of the camera and block out a hand, causing the program to crash. I’ll add in more robust error catching prior to this Wednesday so that we’ll experience less crashing while testing. Additionally, we didn’t have a proper connector between our gooseneck and the tripod last session—getting this connector will help steady the camera feed and may also help resolve the issue. 

I’m still currently on schedule. In addition to what I’ve mentioned above, I’ll also begin running the CV pipeline on an RPi as a backup and assist Jessie with porting our existing CV pipeline as needed. 

Some clips of testing from last week are in this folder

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