Danny’s Status Report for 09/28

For this week, I have finished the Django tutorial. I should have a very simple and basic understanding of how the Django framework functions. I have a more definitive idea of how the web app should be structured so I will do some research into how I can implement those features. I will probably also spend some time looking at existing frameworks if they already exist. Additionally, since I will be running the web server on the RPi I will look into how to do that effectively. I do not think the RPi section will take very long though. 

This past Wednesday we met with Professor Dueck and some of her students. I asked them about the features we currently had planned and any features that they might want. The consensus seemed to be that they wanted either limited live feedback or to be able to control the amount of live feedback they receive. For example, they were against the idea of having a live video as they were worried it would be too distracting. We are now considering having a live video on a display only for calibration purposes. Additionally, the audio buzzer used as live feedback was also questioned. They seemed to think it would also be distracting depending on the piece they are playing. Thus, they wanted to be able to toggle when they receive the audio feedback or not. For the web app, this would mean I would need to add some feature that is able to toggle the audio feedback as well. This should not be hard to do but it was good to know. Lastly, they supported the idea of storing their previous recordings on the web app so that they can go back and see their progress. Thus, we are considering buying a dedicated hard drive to store the videos for our users but we will stick to using the RPi for now.

Thirdly, I briefly helped Jessie with the quick guide at this link: https://xilinx.github.io/Vitis-AI/3.0/html/docs/quickstart/mpsoc.html.   However, we were not able to get far because we realized that the power supply we found for the FPGA was not compatible.

I would say my progress is still on track overall. For this upcoming week I am worried about slightly falling behind on the web app so that will be my main focus.

Next week, I hope to have examined a couple Django example frameworks to see how it is typically used. I would also want to research a couple ideas of how to implement the features that are required for our project. This includes having a start/stop record button, toggling the audio feedback, storing and serving the video files from the FPGA. I would like to get a decent idea of how all this could be implemented.

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